If you're older than 5 years old, chances are someone in your life has asked you that stupid question, 'If you were on a desert island, what would the one thing you would need with you?'. Of course most kids would say a helicopter or a boat, or something to escape the island, and if you were a 5 year old me for some reason you needed your koala stuffed animal (I was clearly practical). But the more you think about it, it has a real world application. Have you ever HAD to have something, whether it be a certain kind of lip balm, gum, a hair brush, etc. with you where ever you go? It's obviously a reflection of yourself and your biggest insecurities, because without these things you wouldn't feel normal, or you would feel 'edgy' not having these specific comforts. For instance, my one friend would flip out if she didn't have her face blotters and hair brush, to the point that we would have to go back to the car to make sure she had them. Recently I gave her a new brand of mini face blotters because I knew that she would appreciate them, and when she opened them she looked at me like I saved her first born child. For me, my musts are my floss, my anti aging hand cream, and my sunnies.
         I clearly have some teeth and mouth insecurities, since my teeth take up half of my giant face, I want to make sure I'm not sharing the remainders of my meal with the rest of the world since I eat food like a starving animal. As for hand cream, I can use that thing for ANYTHING. Flyaways, Dry skin, Severe chapped lips? Done, Done, and Done. Hand cream is arguably the best thing ever invented in the beauty department. As for my sunnies, I have to say I've had more sunglasses than friends, however each pair has met some horrible and tragic end, whether it flew off of my head and got run over by a train, got crushed from some slob sitting on them, or from being stolen at a bar, I have usually had only one pair of sunglasses at a time. But as soon as one of them meets an unexpected end, I RUSH to buy another pair immediately because I couldn't even fathom not having a pair with me at all times. There's so many every day situations that I couldn't get through without my sunnies. Driving when the sun is out? Doing a walk of shame? Keeping nature out of your eyes?- I suffer from SUH-VERE allergies. Running into someone and trying to pretend you didn't see them, so you don't have to talk to them? Trying to go to a public place with harsh lighting while you're still a little hung over? You let me know how to accomplish those things without a dark pair of sunnies, and I'll get you a sticker.
      Every time I go out anywhere, I find a place to store these things with me, whether it be in my purse, gym bag, or, in desperate times, bra. You never know when a situation will arise when you will have to have to use your arsenal of awkward defenders to get you through it.

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    is definitely strange.
    23 and is obsessed with dinosaurs, wine, and psychopaths.


    March 2013